A federated munitions data infrastructure at marine-data.de
One of the main goals of the data management in CONMAR is to establish a data management concept for a federated data infrastructure around the topic of Munitions in the Sea. Under the title 'Marine Munition Data Compilation’, a part of this infrastructure was implemented in the form of a Web-based data portal at the Marine Data Portal of the German Marine Research Alliance (Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung (DAM)).
The contents of this portal are highly federated. The displayed data is therefore hosted at the data-producing locations (scientific centres, authorities, private sector, etc.) themselves and are only merged in the viewer. As a product of work package 2 the featured viewer represents a central tool to enable cooperative and collaborative work on the data generated in the project and represents the main outcome to the federated data management concept in the CONMAR project.
Beyond the course of the project this portal, its contents and the corresponding data exploration functionalities are further developed.