DSM Data Portal
The DSM Data Portal is hosted by the DeepSea Monitoring working group at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and is used as a provisioning and catalogue component for data products of the working group.
The system is based on the open- source (geospatial) content management system GeoNode. Registered users can upload and search for datasets, generate standardized metadata and grant access rights to other users. According to the data type (vector data / raster data), the data records are stored in a PostgreSQL database or in the file system. The actual provision of the data as an OGC service is performed by the GeoServer integrated in the system. Since Q2 2023 the DSM Data Portal is used for providing metadata products in the CONMAR project. The underlying software offers the potential to be for an easy and lowest threshold tool for project partners to create metadata and to share data products with among the project.